Belgian Accountant Directory - Case Study

How we increased traffic fivefold over 6 months.

Before UAWC

About the Client

The client's website is a database of accountants and accounting firms in Belgium. They help businesses find long-term contractors to outsource their bookkeeping to.



Improve traffic

We needed to get more traffic through organic means.

Fix website problems

After the client migrated their website, they encountered a lot of problems that hindered their indexability and search ranking. We had to fix that.

Improve page speed

The page spped of the client's website was really bad. We needed to fix that.

The Challenge

As we've mentioned above, migration brought a lot of problems.

First, a lot of pages were unindexable, and many returned a 404 error.

The website did not have a Schema markup, making it unreadable for crawlers.

The page speed results were also low, resulting in poor ranking.

The biggest issue, however, had to be missing pagination. This meant that Google couldn't crawl further than the accountant list and the blog articles list.

The Strategy

The first thing we needed to do was implement 301 redirects to the new relevant pages.

After that, we could start fixing the other issues on the website.

This included adding pagination, creating a proper Schema markup, and improving page speed by removing junk code and optimizing content for speed.

The Results


In the image above, the red line marks the beginning of our partnership with the client. As you can see, traffic grew smoothly, reached the results before migration, and even got higher.

In the end, it turned out to be 5 times higher than what we had at the start of our SEO work.

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