Norwegian Clothing Brand - Case Study

How we earned 4 Million (NOK) within advertising for one month.

About the Client

The company was founded in 2012. With the mantra "It is always possible to get better", the owner began to make super soft boxers for the hard-working man. The brand has come a long way since then, but the mantra is still just as steady. It is the basis of everything they do and drives them forward towards ever new goals.

Norwegian Clothing Brand



Maintain a high ROAS

We needed to keep the ROAS above 5 at all times.


Increase revenue

Our goal was to reach an average of 2,200,000 NOK/ month.


Bring traffic

To get leads and conversions going, we needed to bring traffic to the client's website.


The Challenge

Before we started, the client's PPC optimization was lacking. They had little campaign variety, meaning they didn't have a full picture of what could work for them, and what couldn't.

Their existing campaigns also didn't work at their full potential.

The Strategy

Most of our efforts focused on three channels: Snapchat, Google, and Facebook Ads.

On Facebook, we focused on the following:

  • Lookalike audiences;
  • Remarketing audiences;
  • Catalog Sales campaign;
  • Lead generation campaign;
  • Big discount campaigns.

This is what we did on Snapchat:

  • Catalog sales;
  • Website Conversion campaign;
  • Brand Awareness campaign.

The Results

Google Ads

On this platform, we achieved the following results:

  • ROAS: 14.5;
  • Amount Spent: 700,000.00 kr;
  • Revenue: 10,000,000.00 kr.

Facebook Ads

Lookalike audiences.

We created lookalike audiences based on purchases and add-to-cart events.

We used different ranges of lookalikes sizes - from 1 to 5. For low-population countries, we suggest the usage of bigger sizes of lookalikes due to lower potential reach in the region.

Remarketing Audiences

We split the Remarketing audiences (FB/IG Engagement, Website Visitors, Video Views) based on a 7 and 30 days time range. Excluded all seven days, audiences at 30 days ad set to avoid overlapping.

Catalog Sales campaign

We used an upsell ad set for the Catalog Sales campaign. We recommend using it after big discounts and upselling your offer to people who have already engaged with products without discount.

Lead generation campaign

The idea of the campaign is to get as many emails as possible by drawing a gift voucher for 1000 NOK every month. We suggest using as broad targeting as possible here to cover more people.

Big discount campaigns.

Separate campaigns for each big discount drop like Single Day, Black Friday, Christmas, etc. We suggest putting here bigger budgets, as usual, to escape the learning phase faster.

We also tested ad copies without product images (just information about a discount in the store). We recommend using banners like this ONLY for remarketing audiences cause they are already engaged with your business and know what your product looks like.

On Facebook, we achieved the following results:

  • ROAS: 5.53;
  • Amount Spent: kr2,700,00.00;
  • Revenue: kr14,930,00.00.

Here are some of our best-performing ads on Facebook:





Catalog sales

We tested separate product sets for Catalog sales for males and females. We did not show female products to males and vice versa.

We have also tested cross products for remarketing audiences (when we promote female products for males who added these products to their cart), but it was an unsuccessful test.

Website Conversion campaign

We used the AutoBid strategy for the Website Conversion campaign. It delivers much better results than the target cost strategy, but only if you have enough purchase events in your Pixel before you start using it.

Brand awareness campaign

As we know, each year, traffic on Facebook becomes more and more expensive. So, we decided to try an Awareness campaign on Snapchat because it is not as competitive as Facebook.

As a result, the average CPM on Snapchat is four times lower, and generated traffic can be used for both Snap and FB retargeting campaigns (because both Pixels are installed on the website).

On Facebook, we achieved the following results:

  • ROAS: 6.41;
  • Amount Spent: 285,000.00 kr;
  • Revenue: 1,825,000.00 kr.

Here are some of our best-performing ads on Snapchat:



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