TrotPets - Case Study

Brought in an extra 31% revenue with flows and email campaigns.

Before UAWC
0 revenue from Klaviyo
31.37% extra monthly revenue from Klaviyo

About TrotPets

If you ever had a dog, you probably know how messy their eating habits can be. The moment the food gets in the bowl, it is devoured with truly fascinating haste, often leading to a mess which you then have to clean up. TrotPets solves these issues with their stylish stainless steel puzzle bowls, designed to make the pup eat slowly and carefully instead of stuffing its face as fast as it can.



Get 20-30% extra revenue from Klaviyo
Recover abandoned carts and checkouts
Increase customer LTV

The Challenge

TrotPets website homepage

When we started our work with TrotPets, their presence in their customers’ inboxes was limited. We had to implement the technical setup and develop the strategy from the ground up.

The Strategy

First of all, we needed to make sure Klaviyo was properly integrated with the client’s Shopify store.

When that was done, we needed to create a pop-up form to start collecting emails. We also implemented audience segmentation.

Simultaneously, we needed to launch our Welcome flow, as well as:

  • Abandoned checkout flow;
  • Abandoned cart flow;
  • Browse abandonment flow;
  • Post purchase flow;
  • Sunset flow;
  • Winback flow.

After the flows were live, we could then focus our efforts on campaigns. We aimed to send 6 campaigns per month.

The Results

Sign-up rate

Our pop-up forms are currently working well, with 5.9% and 6.5% subscribe rates on mobile and desktop. While the numbers are good, we believe we can push them higher, so we are actively running A/B tests.

TrotPets sign-up form

Trotpets Sign-up forms' metrics in Klaviyo

Best-performing flows

Welcome flow

TrotPets Welcome flow metrics in Klaviyo

The welcome flow we’ve built has brought in $14.5k last month, with the revenue per recipient of $7.9.

We have three emails in it, staggered over a 4-day period. It is sent to everyone subscribing to our pop-up.

Here’s a glimpse at the first one and its results.

TrotPets welcome email metricsTrotPets welcome email

Abandoned checkout flow

This flow is sent to customers who have started the checkout, but have not finished it. It made us $2.4k last month, with the revenue per recipient of $7.03.

We have 3 emails in it, sent over the course of 4 days.

TrotPets abandoned checkout email metricsTrotPets abandoned checkout email

Browse abandonment

TrotPets browse abandnment flow metrics

This flow earned us $1.1k over the last month, with the revenue per recipient of $1.21.

We have 2 emails in it, one sent two hours after someone views the product without adding anything to the cart, the other 2 days after it.

Abandoned cart

TrotPets Abandoned cart metrics

Note: We had some technical issues with our ‘add to cart’ events prior to writing this case study. Because of that, the data shown is for 4 days only.

Still, the performance is looking good - $667.9 in 4 days, with the revenue per recipient of $6.24.


On average, without sales and promotions, each campaign is raking in about $600.

We are currently sending 6 per month, balancing re-sending older campaigns that have proven effective and testing new angles. You can see the performance of some of them below:

TrotPets campaign performance

TrotPets campaign

TrotPets emailTrotPets review from the client

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