FREEZVON - Case Study

How we increased sales by 1000% in 3 months.

Before UAWC
Conv. cost:
Avg. CPC
Conv. cost:
Avg. CPC

About Freezvon

Freezvon is the brainchild of Telephonic Solutions Limited. It is a SaaS cloud telephony service working on a B2B model, although it can also be used by consumers. Its main services include Virtual Phone Numbers For Calls, Virtual SMS Numbers, Virtual Numbers For Calls and Fax, Hosted Virtual IP PBX for businesses, and Toll-Free 800 Numbers.



Tracking implementation

Set up Ecommerce tracking and additional goals in Google Analytics, so that the client could measure actual results.

Identify relevant and performing keywords.

KeyWords and SEO research

Find the right audience

Add more audiences, start remarketing, segment existing customers

The Story


The Challenge

Freezvon operates in a very specific niche - cloud telephony solutions. Services of this type are widely used by businesses that take and receive calls very often, like delivery services and internet providers.

The challenge presented is obvious: how do we find people that are in need of this service? How do we educate those who can use it, but don't know about it?

In short, what we needed was a SaaS marketing funnel.

The Strategy

The first thing we needed to do was set up eCommerce tracking in Google Analytics to allow the client to accurately measure the results of our work. This included the migration of Freezvon's Universal Analytics data to Google Analytics 4.

At some point, Freezvon also added a Spanish version of their website, which we had to work with as well.

After that, we needed to do a thorough keyword research to find the right approach for our PPC campaigns.

We also needed to create audiences, segment them, and set up remarketing.

In terms of creatives, we needed to focus on educating the potential customers about the variety of services the client provides and the problems they could solve.

The Results

Google Search campaigns

Our search campaigns on Google included several different experiments.

Broad Match Modified and Exact Match campaigns. At the time of our working with Freezvon, BMM match type was still a thing. We did A/B tests of both for our client's website to find out which worked best.

Bid adjustments - we used various bid adjustments for the locations we needed to prioritize.

Dynamic Search Ads - we All Pages as dynamic targets. This allowed us to quickly launch an effective campaign that brought some immediate results.

Overall, the performance of our Google Ads campaigns looked like this:



For remarketing, we had two main angles of approach - RLSA (Remarketing Lists for Search Ads with Analytics) campaigns and Display remarketing campaigns.

For our RLSA campaigns, we used very general search terms to draw cheap traffic. We also used bid adjustments of 100% for registered users and 50% for returning visitors.

In Display marketing campaigns, we tested different audiences separately, including website visitors. For them, we used a bid adjustment of 100%.

You can see the results of our remarketing campaigns below:


Conversion Rate Optimization

To ensure we were getting the highest conversion rate possible, we used the Maximize Conversions bidding strategy.

At some point, we focused on micro-conversions like Chat-calls from the Consultation form and registrations, which yielded good results. Therefore, we decided to connect all of it in a single Conversion Set with purchases and optimized it by this set. This strategy worked well and still achieved good performance.

We also changed some of the copy on the client's website to make it clearer that their services were meant for businesses. This decision quickly paid off.


The initial campaigns resulted in 1000 registrations in the first 3 months and 7200 registrations and 500 transactions in the first year. More recently, we have been focusing on improving the registration-to-transaction ratio, reaching almost 10%. Overall, Freezvon's Google Ads campaigns have generated daily costs of $115, an average lead cost of $2.7, and over 81,800 registrations to date.

By focusing on the quality and variety of services offered by Freezvon and carefully targeting locations, we were able to increase registrations and sales through Google Ads campaigns. The addition of a Spanish version of the site and the transfer to new analytics GA4 have further optimized results. The success of this campaign highlights the importance of targeted messaging and optimization in SaaS marketing funnels.

Overall results

Google Ads:

  • Conv. Rate – 13.19% (160.69% increase);
  • Revenue – $17,341.00 (10.28% increase);
  • Registrations – 12,048 (839.05% increase);
  • Purchases – 1014.

Bing Ads:

  • Conv. Rate – 2.93%;
  • Revenue – $225.00;
  • Registrations – 332;
  • Purchases – 17.

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