Wize Mentoring - Case Study

How we improved conversions and reduced cost per lead by 66%.

Before UAWC
Cost per Lead
Quality Score
Cost per Lead
Quality Score

About WizeMentoring

WizeMentoring is a program run by Accountants for Accountants. They transform accounting & bookkeeping firms by building exceptional leaders, teams, and systems that get results.

Wize Mentoring



Decrease CPL

The client was paying too much for their leads. We had to fix that.


Maximize leads

The client needed more leads. We had to deliver.


Optimize PPC

We needed to make sure all campaigns were working correctly.

The Challenge

Wize's main issue was their PPC campaign optimization.

Their tracking was not as accurate as it could have been. Their targeting was subpar. Their campaign variety was poor, meaning they did not really know what could work for them, and what couldn't.

We needed to fix all that.

The Strategy

First of all, we had to improve tracking accuracy.

After that, we needed to focus on targeting and campaign variety. We had to identify the interests our target audience could have and craft ads that could grab their attention.

We also needed to implement remarketing.

The Results

Facebook Ads

On Facebook, we started by improving tracking accuracy and decreasing the cost per result by 16% by changing the optimization event:


At first, “Lead” was the main optimization event. Through deep analysis, we found that the “subscribe” event triggered on the thank-you page works more accurately.

We tested various interests that are related to accounting and leading audit campaigns, as interests that are directly related to the finance niche.

We targeted people who match these criteria:

  • Interests: Bloomberg, QuickBooks, Ernst&Young, Thomson Reuters, The Economist, Accounting Today.
  • Employers: McKinsey & Company, KPMG.

This is what our results looked like:


For interest targeting, we used the following settings:

Detailed targeting.

People who match:

  • Interests: Accountant, Accounting, Financial Accounting.
  • Job title: Accounting General, Accounting Dept., Accountancy, Accountant, Staff Accountant, Chief Accountant, Tax Accountant, Accounting Specialist.

Detailed targeting expansion: Off.

With this, we got the following results:


We also tested many lookalike audiences such as Page engagement audiences, website visitors, and subscribers until we found our most effective lookalike audience.


For remarketing, we got the cheapest result from a combined ad set for a remarketing audience, which includes:


From this, we got 1270 leads with a CPL of ~8$

Best-Performing Ads

After extensive testing, we discovered that using ad creatives with real books worked best.


With this ad, we gained 2494 leads with a CPL of 9.25 $.


This one brought us 593 leads with a CPL of 9.98 $.

Google Ads

As soon as we had enough conversion data, we launched a Performance Max campaign.

This is how it affected our Google Ads account performance:

  • +372.67% conversions;
  • -35.64% CPL;
  • +84.32% CTR.

The key to success was the creation of separate Asset Groups for each Lead Magnet. And working on improving the assets for each of them.

We followed all suggested Google Top Practices:

  • Using custom segments;
  • Using our data.

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